Monday, August 8, 2011

Petit Bebe Shower!

My twin and I hosted a "Petit Bebe" shower for our sweet friend Kristina.  Since we knew the baby was going to be a girl we decided to find all things pink.  Kristina is a professional ballerina so hanging little ballerina slippers all over the house was perfect.  We happened to be at a local garage sale and found a basket full of the slippers, black, pink, all scuffed and the sign on the basket said "free" exactly the kind of shopping I love!

Mel spray painted them silver, wrapped pink bows around each pair and I hung them with fishing line so they look like they just floated in the room.

We hung pink and lilac tissue "PomPoms" all around the room, some large, others smaller, hot pink and soft pink and finished the decorating with displayed vintage baby dresses up with some cute pink and white striped hangers that I also found at a yard sale. ($5 for a box of 50)

 I made some low sugar raspberry cup cakes with a cream cheese "raspberry" frosting, chunky chicken salad, strawberry walnut green salad and fresh fruit and cheese platter for our guests.  Iced water with lemon to quench our thirst.  This whole brunch and decorations cost us a total of $65... I love that!


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